Ifetedo, Osun State
PHJC Convent Ifetedo
near Catholic Church
Postal address:
P.O.Box 887 Ondo, Ondo State
e-mail: visitationconvent2012@gmail.com
We started with a mobile clinic in the most remote areas of Ifetedo parish with its more than 20 outstations. The Sisters go to each village once a week, and on one day, also hold clinic in Ifetedo itself for the people of the town. They help with referrals and provide good medicine. One boy who had been paralyzed for 16 years, was enabled to get surgery and can now walk with the help of callipers and crutches.
In 2008, it was seen that a school was most needed in Area 4, a village far in the bush. The sisters started a pre-school and primary class there, but in 2011, there were tribal fights and most families had to leave. So the school closed. We had built a borehole there with the help of ‘Geschwister Afrikas’, and that still supports some of the remaining people.
The school was then shifted to Ifetedo itself where parents wanted a Catholic school. It started in the convent compound with a temporary building. In the meantime land has been bought to build a permanent school.
The primary school also has reached class 6 and is approved by the government.
In 2012, the new convent building has been finished and blessed. In time we may be able to shift some of the formation program there.

In 2017 we could also open a widows project in Ifetedo. Our sisters got a self-help-group of widows together, to support the women in this difficult phase of their lives. They form a group in the Catholic parish and get small credits to build up life-support for themselves – and often for grandchildren.
For example the widows prepare snacks together and sell them on the market to have a little income.
Financially, the project is being supported by Missio Aachen (Germany).